Re: Firefox windows too small

    Date: 10/14/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: java

    In reference to my last post, I decided to post a picture to see if maybe I'm just saying it wrong. Because all these suggestions SHOULD be working, but aren't!

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    This is an ESPN GameCast page. It pops up when you click the link on their scoreboard page. But, as you can see by examples like the GA cut off middle right, this window SHOULD be bigger. But it won't let me maximize or resize the window. I've tried allowing FireFox to resize java windows, as well as changing the about:config to allow users to resize frames.

    I can work around it, opening the scoreboard in an IE tab and then opening the GameCast (this opens the GameCast in a new IE tab, full-size). But, I'd like to be able to see it in a seperate FireFox tab, as that sort of reminds me to check it every so often.

    Thanks for any help.


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