explorer.exe problem
Date: 11/15/07
(Computer Help) Keywords: no keywords
I have a very sick computer (it feels like that anyway) and whenever I press something, sometimes a pop up comes up and says that "explorer.exe have come across an error and needs to be turned off", basically, and well... I've had it up to here *points to the sky* with 'explorer.exe' and I want to fix it. A part of me think that I need to reformat the entire computer but I don't have the XP discs etc anymore so I need to find a solution without doing that and... well...
Have anyone else experienced this problem? How do I solve it?
Edit: I heard somewhere about maybe it's something wrong with a codec that I have or something like that. Or maybe not. I can't remember.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/840787.html