CD Rom problem

    Date: 11/16/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: microsoft

    Hi again, my computer is tormenting me again. The first issue was solved, thankfully, but now I have another one. I think I pressed something when I shouldn't have and when the computer was loading and now these stuff happens:

    A pop-up appears saying:

    "The program you're installing for following unit:


    has not processed Mircosofts testing program to vertify its compatibility with Windows XP.

    If you continue to install this program it can lead to the operative system being hurt or unstable, either now immediately or in the future. Microsoft recommends that you abort the installation now and contact the manifacturer to know if the program has passed Microsoft's [something] check."

    But even when I press "Abort installation" and press "Finish" at the botton the same window pops up again and it just keeps being like that in an endless loop.

    The program is apparently ZC3079S FBP099M SCSI CdRom Device.


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