Major Problem

    Date: 11/18/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus

    Hi there!!

    I'm so annoyed right now. I just had to re-install Windows AGAIN!!

    I've had this problem for a while now: I can't switch my computer off because it doesn't boot-up again. It gets as far as loading Windows but then flashes a blue screen (so fast I can't see what the error message might be saying - if any) and it just restarts itself again, gets to the same point, and does it again.

    I have to re-install Windows now anytime someone trips the main fuse box (which has happened twice recently - grr) or it has to be turned-off (like when I moved rooms).

    Since the second time I had to do this (which was months ago coz it's been going on for ages now), I partitioned the drive so I could save stuff on one part, and then if/when I need to re-install Windows again, I could just format the other part so I wouldn't lose anymore of my stuff.

    Incase anyone can give me advice, I'll post what I wrote in my Live Journal at the end of August about this:

    "Well, my computer's on it's last legs. My hard drive once again decided it wouldn't complete the boot-up. Incase anyone has any advice or anything:

    Today has been the 3rd or 4th time in about two months that I have had to reinstall Windows because the computer won't complete it's boot-up and logging-on.

    Lastnight (as with the time before), everything was fine. My computer had been running fine, I had no viruses, no problems what-so-ever. I turned the computer off at about 3am because I was up late lastnight. This morning, it's doing the same thing it did last time, and the time before that. Sometimes it would get as far as the Windows loading bar, but then flash a blue screen with some text on it that I had no chance of reading because it would vanish so quickly and then it would reboot itself again.

    Today I wrote down the things I tried before giving-in and just reinstalling it again:

    From the Recovery Console on the Windows Installation CD, I used CHKDSK and it said it seemed to be fine and asked if I wanted to run CHKDSK anyways, so I did. When I ran CHKDSK /r and it got to 75% and said "The volume appears to contain one or more unrecoverable problem".

    I tried FIXBOOT just incase. I tried again to start the computer and had the same problems as before and I didn't know what else there was I could do because I couldn't get online to check.

    Any info and/or help would be great. I'm running Windows XP Pro.

    Any ideas as to what could be causing this to happen so often?

    Oh yeah! I think I should also add that when I have this problem, it won't start up from the last known good config or Safe Mode or anything. Just thought you should know.

    To add, the first couple of times it did it, there were gaps of days/weeks inbetween when it decided it would screw-up again, but now (well, since sometime about a month ago) it's happening so recently that I decided not to turn my computer off.

    I've been told by a few people that it's a problem with the hard drive itself and I need a new one. But I thought I'd continue asking around to see what other people think.

    Thanks lots for reading!!



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