URGENT: Log In Problems

    Date: 11/25/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello everyone.

    I guess I should start from the beginning. I had recently downloaded iTunes, and whenever I had tried to import a video onto iTunes, it failed each time. On the second try, my computer suddenly froze up with a blue screen that mentioned something about the system shutting down to save the computer from something. After a few days, from the advice of a friend who is more familiar with computers and iTunes than I am, I tried to import a video file again.

    Once again, it didn't work, and the blue screen showed up. I restarted the computer and logged in. When I was on the internet, I was deleting my browsing history when the blue screen showed up AGAIN. Like it had instructed, I restarted my computer and attempted to log in.

    Well, my log in to my account didn't work.

    Instead, it logged me into a temporary account without any of my user profile info on it (but it's still my account - just without all of my information). I tried logging out and logging in again, and also shutting down my computer, but nothing worked.

    I've tried the troubleshooting advice that the system provided (something about copying files from my account to a new account), but it didn't work. Or maybe I just didn't do it right.

    None of my documents are on this "temporary" account right now, but all of my music is. None of my downloaded programs are on this account either.

    I desperately need to get this fixed; I have my term project on here, school work, newspaper articles, and a whole plate of other things that I cannot afford to lose.



    Windows Vista: Home Basic
    Account type: Adminstrative

    I would like to try and get this fixed without having to go to Future Shop and pay money, especially if it has an easy solution and I could do it myself.

    Please keep in mind that I'm as far from a "computer person" as possible. If you do have a solution (please say you do!), would you be so kind as to explain it in the most precise and (simple) "easy to understand" manner as possible? ^.^; I don't want to get confused and accidently damage my computer even more.

    Thank-you in advance.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/844891.html

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