Questions about ATI Radeon X550 Drivers and pros and cons of hard drive brands

    Date: 12/01/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web, google

    Recently, I've been posting on my journal about my problematic hard drive, which seems to have had troubles getting itself read. I found out that the hard drive was dying, and so Im looking to buy a new one.

    So one question I want to ask is how a hard drive dies, exactly. In my case, I have two drives, one with the OS, and another without. When I boot up the computer, I get a message saying Disk Boot Failure (and something about inserting my boot disk). The technician was telling me it was dying already because the thing doesn't seem to want to be read, but then... I don't know, I guess I just want to know why my hard drive died after only a year and 11 months. :(

    Second, Can you guys suggest a hard drive brand for me, or better yet, help me weigh the pros and cons between a Seagate type and a Western Digital type? The shop near my house basically sells those two brands, and I'm not sure what the differences are, besides price. Expect both to have a year-long warranty, if that makes any difference to you guys.

    Note: I live in the Philippines, so prices are a little different here. For the sake of weighing the pros and cons, assume I can afford a 320 GB hard drive of any brand.

    On the video card side, I was hoping someone could direct me to the website for the Device Drivers for my ATI Radeon X550. I'm not sure what I'm looking at when I check google, and I heard something about a Catalyst driver, whatever that means.

    Hopefully it'll make my gaming experience with NWN2 a lot smoother.

    (xposted to the computersupport community)


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