
    Date: 12/01/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, spyware

    I am wanting to reformat my computer, but i have a bunch of questions I wanna ask before I go and end up screwing my computer up, lol.

    1) So when I reformat it, it deletes everything that I have installed on there, correct? It wont delete the pre-installed programs that came with my computer when i bought it about a year ago?

    2) My computer should have came with a windows disk, right? I have a dell inspiron b130. I bought it in september of 2006.

    3) Once i reformat it, it'll run just as fast as it used to when i bought it, right? I scan my computer on atleast a weekly basis for spyware and virus' as well as defragment it. So I dont think thats why its been a slower lately.


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