Volume icon help needed for PC

    Date: 12/16/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    No surprise that I've managed to mess up my computer a little bit by tinkering with it. I must have deleted a program i thought was useless to make more space on my hard drive & now i want it back.

    My situation: I have a Dell Inspiron 6000 that runs Windows XP Home. The Inspiron has volume buttons on the front of the deck. These still work fine, but my volume control screens are gone. It used to be that when I pushed one of the volume buttons, a screen would pop up to show me my volume level & whether it was muted or not. I don't know what happened to that little screen, but I miss it. Come back little screen! The volume icon later went missing from the task bar, though i never liked that one much, anyway.

    I went through my Control Panel for the Sounds & Devices folder where there seems to be the easy fix check box: "Place volume icon in the task bar" but when I click on that, an error box tells me "Windows cannot display the volume control icon on the taskbar because the Volume Control program has not been installed. To install it, use Add/Remove program in control panel" though I couldn't find that on the program list. Mind you, my volume buttons still work, it just takes a lot of fiddling with them to figure out whether the volume is muted or just all the way down.

    Any help anyone could offer would be sincerely appreciated. I've done a bunch of web searches, but haven't really found what I'm looking for. Thanks in advance!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/849117.html

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