Corrupted files?

    Date: 01/01/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    For a great New Years present, my laptop just started freaking out. If anyone could help, it'd be great.

    I have Vista, but I don't think that's the problem? Maybe, but, um, a little notification popped up saying iTunes had a corrupt file (that C:/$Mft was corrupt), and it said, "use the Chkdsk utility". And then it kept popping up, for all sorts of different programs, not just iTunes but Notepad and Quicktime and everything, and then all of my files appeared to be gone. I restarted, and everything's back, but now I'm a little freaked.

    Anyone know what's going on, and what I can do? Thanks ahead of time!


« argh. || Sorry for the Dumb Question »

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