
    Date: 12/27/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: technology, virus, antivirus

    Okay, here's the deali-o. My dad just recently purchased a brand spankin' new computer (it's gorgeous) thus meaning he didn't need his old one anymore, so he gave it to me (hooray!) I've always wanted my own computer so I was psyched, he had antivirus stuff on it and everything so I wouldn't have to worry.

    The problem? It's pulling a sleeping beauty and won't wake up from its slumber. THAT'S the problem.

    I hooked it up properly (I alwas hook up computers for my mom and dad, they are illiterate when it comes to technology) so I know I didn't accidently touch something that shouldn't have been touched.

    When I turn on the monitor, however (after turning the computer on) the screen says 'Going to sleep' then proceeds to do so. At first I thought it was just the monitor so I tried a few different ones (my mom's boyfriend is a pack-rat. He has like... ten screens.) and each of them goes to sleep.

    Does this mean the computer is on stanby mode? How do I fix it?

    Please help. It figures when I actually get a computer it would bugger up.

    Ah, I don't know if this matters... but when the computer was hooked up to my father's house, he had the side taken off so it wouldn't overheat. But he put it back on when I brought it to mom's. Is it possible he may of touched something when he put it back on?

    Thanks, in advance, for listening to my problem.


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