As always, my stupid questions

    Date: 01/02/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, virus, spyware

    Xposted to computersupport

    1. I bought a desktop from an old friend who failed to tell me until after I purchased it that he installed windows XP with his old software, meaning I couldn't install service packs. What a friend right? Anyways, how do I go about making this a legit copy, and will it delete everything I have on my computer currently?

    2. Randomly the other day my computer started getting heinous internet explorer popups. I never even use IE! I tried going to add/remove programs to delete IE but it isn't listed. I think it started after the boyfriend installed some torrent downloading thing and put some music on the computer. Could it go away if I simply delete the software and the songs he downloaded, or has it embedded itself deeper in my files? I'm running Spybot and it finds and removes about 10 files every startup, but it can't delete one file called something like Virtuco....somethingsomethingsomething. What other spyware adware virus programs should I try?

    And again, I apologize for the absolutely retarted questions =P


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