Weird problem

    Date: 01/26/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser

    Whenever I click a link, I have to click on it five or six times (sometimes up to ten) for the link to actually register having been clicked on (i.e. make the little hourglass appear). It also happens when I click icons on my computer--I had to double-click the Firefox icon four times to actually open up the browser. This also occurs when trying to place the cursor where I want it, to type something, and choosing items from drop-down menus. It's starting to drive me crazy. I've restarted the computer and disconnected/reconnected my cable modem, to no avail. So basically the mouse is acting all wonky, not registering the first few times I click things--either that, or the computer doesn't "know" when links and icons are being clicked--and I don't know what's causing it or how to fix it.

    EDIT: Huh, it seems to be working now. Must have just been a temporary thing. I'll edit again if it starts doing it again.


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