Problems with freezing?

    Date: 03/16/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus

    I got a new laptop on March 5th of this year. It's Window's Vista Ultimate, and a Eurocom. It's brand new, and for the most part runs beautifully. But shortly after I got it, I started having problems with it freezing up. It happens quite frequently (has already happened 5 times today) Usually when I've had computers freeze up on me, I'm at least able to move the mouse to hit restart. I'm not even able to do that. It won't even let me press ctrl-alt-del. At first I thought it was something to do with the display, but then it happened when I was listening to music, and the music screwed up and froze on the one note, so that led me to believe it wasn't a problem with the display. I ran adware and virus scans to make sure it wasn't that, and everything was ok. I have kept this computer very up to date in the short time that I've owned it.

    I need help really badly. I'm going in for surgery in early April and need this computer running normally to keep up with my school work. Many thanks to anyone who can offer something.


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