Lots a questions..

    Date: 06/04/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, virus, web, spyware

    Hello, newbie here! I've got a lot of problems so I'll just put the first batch behind a cut..

    -Is it safe to delete Internet Explorer/Outlook Express if I have Firefox and Thunderbird? Is there a way for Firefox to actually connect to the internet without using another program? (I use Walmart Connect)

    -What are your favorite programs to have on your computer?

    -We got a new computer because the old one was full of roaches (well actually we borrowed it and never gave it back, heh), and it doesn't have a whole lot of the basic programs...

    -One day this computer stopped displaying the background unless it was starting up or shutting down. A few months later it went into safe mode and said something about accepting a trojan horse and to scan the comp with anti-virus software to make it alright.
    Well, I've scanned it with Spybot, AVG Free (one that keeps coming up is DSO Exploit), and Whos Watching me, the free online thingy from Pandasoftware (I THINK its panda software. It starts with Panda but I'm not sure about the 'software' part), and maybe a few other programs and the computer's gotten a little faster but it won't switch out of safe mode. Oh, and I've also defragged it more often (yay for regular computer maininence! If only I could take care of myself that much, lol), and stopped visiting those wierd websites that like to install spyware but my dad gets on and visits those sites ON PURPOSE, unwittingly defeating my attempts at limiting the amount of stuff we get.

    -And, is there a way to keep roaches and other insects out of the computer?

    I would ask you how to kill my dad and get away with it so that I wouldn't have to put up with him messing the computer up so bad but then I'd be miserable and we wouldn't have the money to have anything at all.

    Thanks in advance.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/410205.html

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