Drivers Error

    Date: 06/14/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I got my computer repaired several weeks ago, and have been having problems since then - whenever I play Sims 2 or any DVD for that matter, it would freeze up the program, or the computer for that matter (for the Sims 2 error - display driver stopped working). I called IBM for help, but they seem to have misunderstood me so they couldn't do much help :( (they said my drivers were fine). I asked a friend, but all he could do was laugh at my misfortune, and refuses to help me at all (there's no other person to turn to either). I even went on a Sims 2 Forum board for some help, the only suggestions they would give me would be sites to update drivers, but that didn't help much since I don't know much about computers and am afraid to tamper with it. I feel so lost and hopeless. Its so frustrating because I just got my computer fixed, and its still messed up as ever >_<; I use to play Sims 2/any DVD without any problems before it got fixed. HELP! Procedures will do...if you have more questions, just ask...


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