
    Date: 06/21/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus

    I emptied my recyle bin (winxp) but there still appeared to be something in it (the icon hadn't changed to the empty recycle bin). I right clicked the icon, clicked "empty recycle bin" and a window pops up "Do you want to delete 'WINDOWS'?"

    edit: My windows update is permanently stuck at 0%, I run a virus scan every day (AVG) and today it's started picking up attempts from pop3 to connect to an ip and I don't use any pop3 services. Also, I have 2 svchost.exe's running, one as a "local service" at 364 kb and one at "network service" at 1,124. Any suggestions? :\

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/424811.html

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