Slightly off-topic - MP3 Player Suggestions?

    Date: 06/21/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software

    Sorry if this is slightly off's close to a computer question.

    I am just wondering if anyone has a suggestion for an mp3 player.

    Here are my very picky requirements:

    1. built-in memory of some sort - no hard drive inside (size is the issue)
    2. at least 1 GB storage
    3. accessible like a plain old hard disk when plugged in - no software required
    4. USB 1.1 and 2.0 compliant
    5. small as possible
    6. single battery - probably 1xAAA - and decent battery life
    7. an interface where I can scroll through folders (and see a list on a screen) and scroll through files (and see a list on a screen) - i.e. nothing like the iPod shuffle
    8. Windows XP and 2000 compatibility

    any ideas?


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