i hope i'm in the right place...

    Date: 06/21/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    hi there. i have a quick question about the temporary internet files that are found by first going to i.e. internet options, then selecting 'settings' for temp. internet files (on general tab), and then finally view files. (i'm trying to be as specific as possible so you'll know EXACTLY what i'm asking about.)

    anyway, i've noticed that all websites i've visited, even ones i've deleted from i.e.'s history view, are stored in that folder.

    my question is: are the only sites stored in there the ones that i've CLICKED ON (accessed knowingly).. or are sites from ads (NOT clicked on / directly accessed) stored as well? for example, if i went to abc.com and an ad for xyz.com was on that site BUT I DIDN'T CLICK ON it, would xyz.com appear in the aforementioned temp int. files folder?

    hopefully someone can help. thanks a million in advance.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/425512.html

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