dual layer DVD RW

    Date: 06/22/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I know this may sound as a stupid question but I am just curious to know.

    I recently got a new Dell Inspiron 700m with 8x dvd-rw dual layer burner.

    1. Can I put multiple full sized (700mb) divx movies on one dual layered disc as data files and then be able to view all of them on any dvd player or are you just able to put one movie on it?

    2. Can the burned dual layer discs be viewed on any standard dvd player - as in .. are they capable of supporting playback of the DL discs?

    3. Can the DL discs be played on a sony PS2? or would I be needing a mod chip to play them?

    -- Thanks in advance to whoever may respond back.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/426790.html

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