Outlook Express being stupid

    Date: 06/28/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web, microsoft

    Hi everyone...

    Recently, the links in my emails have stopped working in Outlook Express. It's fairly inconsistent, but sometimes when I click they're fine, and other times when I click, the IE window won't open, and nothing happens.

    I've tried the "hypertext protocol" whatever where you change it to be IE -nohome, and it didn't help. I tried resetting the web settings, and it would help for a few minutes, and then the links didn't work again. It may or may not be connected to the recent Windows Update... the message boards at Microsoft seem to have a lot of complaints associated with the last update. I've tried restoring my computer to an older point and then shutting off automatic updates, and have had some success, but it still acts up when it's feeling froggy.

    What is going on with Outlook Express, and how can I fix it? :(

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/431396.html

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