Aurora.exe and Nail.exe problems & info

    Date: 07/10/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, spyware

    I took it upon myself to take on the task of cleaning out my nephews computer of all the viruses/spyware/adware out of his pc but Aurora.exe and Nail.exe always seem to elude me. Ive had this same problem with my own pc and I finally got rid of it on my own with the help of Avast but now when I try to do the same for my nephews pc, it wont work, it completely misses them and tells me that it didnt find anything when I do a boot scan for em. What I want to know is, if anyone here has any tips or links that would help me solve the problem of these bad boys. I do remember someone posting a link that had info on Aurora.exe but I cant seem to find it in the memories. If anyone knows what Im talking about do repost the link or anything concerning this problem. My nephews pc runs on windows xp - home edition, which is probably the reason its confusing me since I have a different version of xp. Again, any help or info is greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help in advance.


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