I have a very big problem

    Date: 08/08/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    So, my sister's computer is about 4 yrs old, its a Dell Inspiron 2500, running a Pentium III Processor. The computer came with Windows ME, which is really not such a good OS, so since my sister's computer has been having issues lately, I decided to reformat the hard drive and install Windows XP (using the CD taht came with my Inspiron 5150). All was going well until partway through the installation of XP. My computer then gave me some sort of screen saying it couldn't complete the installation, giving me teh error message "KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR" and then it said "starting physical memory dump" and froze. when i later tried to reinstall XP, it took forever to get into the installation area, and when it finally did, it wouldn't let me delete the existing partition. When I tried reinstalling Windows ME, it told me that their was either no hard drive or teh hard drive was corrupt.

    does anyone have any ideas about what might be wrong amd/or how to fix it?

    thanks so much!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/461008.html

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