won't post

    Date: 08/12/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    what can i expect to see if 1) i turn on my computer with empty DIMM slots? or if 2) i had the wrong kind of memory in? would these two scenarios produce the same result?

    i just built a computer and it won't post. i get nothing on my screen (i've tried 2 video cards and 3 monitors); i get no pc seaker beeps; all drives are active (LEDs are on); all front panel connections/LEDs work; the case fan, processor fan, and video card fan turn on.

    i've cleared the CMOS several times (by jumpers and battery); i've mounted the motherboard to cardboard (to rule out shorts); i've tried it barebones (only motherboard, memory, video, and front connections). all i can think is that it is 1) a faulty motherboard which i can't test easily 2) it is a faulty processor which i also can't test too easily 3) i have the wrong kind of memory.

    would bad memory produce this result? shouldn't it still post and tell me there is no memory installed? shouldn't i at LEAST get the pc speaker to beep some diagnostics at me?

    all components are brand new aside from one of the two video cards i tried.

    i don't want to pay $40 to troubleshoot this on top of $X to replace the damaged part. help!

    UPDATE: i just tried turning everything on with no memory installed. same resutlt. no beeps. no video. nothing.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/463389.html

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