Reinstall Windows???

    Date: 08/12/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    I really need help with my Windows XP. It did work right for a bit of time (it's only one year old), but few months ago it started acting up and lately I can't do much without restarting it every five minutes. It get errors, it gets stuck, freezes all the time or stays busy for hours unless I restart it. It's maddening. I know I need to reinstall the Windows, but I have no clue how to do it (and I've heard stories that it's easy to mess up your computer if it's not done right). I asked my brother who has done it a couple of times, but he's too big of a jerk to help me out.

    I would extremely appreciate if somebody gave me steps to complete Windows XP reinstalling, or give me a website address that has it.

    Please, help?


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