wireless newbie

    Date: 08/19/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    you guys probably all moan and groan at subject lines like these, but hey, i'm swallowing my pride.

    i recently moved into a new apartment. the selling point for my roommate and i was that it has a nice big office we can both work in.
    however, upon realizing there is only one power outlet thing in the ENTIRE room, i have been pushed to investigate how we can go wireless, so cords won't be tripping us every 10 minutes.

    currently have a dell inspiron and sony vaio, and comcast highspeed cable internet.

    what materials do i need? just a wireless router and wireless cards? is it easy to hook up?
    can anyone point me to a good easy tutorial? as basic as possible..

    thanks loves.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/468568.html

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