hard disk, or power supply?

    Date: 08/27/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    My computer randomly and suddenly shuts down after a random amount of time. When I try to reboot, I have to turn it off and on again at the wall. If I don't, the monitor won't stay on. When I get it to boot, it starts with this error message: "Hardware Monitor found an error. See the Power setup menu." I chose to continue and it just kept repeating "Remove all media. Press any key to restart." I installed BootIt NG and so can get into Windows again, but the computer keeps dying. BootIt says there's an error on one of my partitions (not the one with windows) but Scandisk didn't find anything. I don't know if the problem is being caused by the power supply or if the hard disk is dying. I'm really worried, I can't afford to simply replace anything. :( Suggestions to locate the problem would be very, very, very much appreciated.

    x-posted to computerhelp

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/475171.html

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