No internet connection

    Date: 09/24/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I've got a Windows 98 SE computer that recently as been giving me internet connection problems. When I try to connect to the internet with dial-up and my ISP (peoplepc), it dials the number, verifies the name and password, and then when it is about to authenticate the connection, the screen turns blue and I get this error:
    An exception OE has occurred at 0028:CF95F292 in VxD WIN95AC. This was called from 0028:C001A4F8 in VxD NDIS(01) + 0000274C. It may be possible to continue normally.

    So then when I try to connect using the Dial-up Networking folder, I get error 633:
    The modem is not installed or configured for Dial-Up Networking.
    To check your modem configuration, double-click the Modems icon in Control Panel

    But my modem is installed perfectly and is listed and detected. And I can't use the internet at all since this happened. Can anyone help? Any advice is greatly appreciated!


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