hi- have an issue with home pc- "the page cannot be displayed" msg

    Date: 12/13/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: security, web, yahoo

    ok, i went back through all of the old entries a few months back, and didn't see this particular question posted. if this is a repeat question, i apologize... here is my issue:

    i cannot access any of my e-mail accounts (yahoo, hotmail, or gmail) on my computer. i have a cable modem, and so my computer is on-line 24/7. i can access Livejournal, and various other sites just fine, but there are some sites (including the e-mail servers) that i can't seem to access. when i go into, for example, Yahoo e-mail, i type my username and password, hit "enter" and i just keep getting "the page cannot be displayed." i have tried everything that others have suggested (i am not so good at this stuff on my own):

    1) reseting the computer

    2) adjusting the security settings (in the "internet options" selection under "tools"

    3) clearing the cache

    4) going into the "advanced" tab in "internet options" under "tools" and making sure both the SSL 2.0 and the SSL 3.0 boxes were checked (they were)

    5)i've gone into the "connection" tab in "internet options" and selected the LAN button to see if the "Automatically detect settings" button was checked- it didn't work checked or unchecked- still not able to access my e-mail accounts

    6) and last but not least, i've even tried restoring to former settings (since this problem only started about 3 days ago), i set the computer back a week through selecting Start menu, Programs, Accessories, System tools, and restoring to an earlier date prior to this limitation in accessing the web.

    is there anything else i can do to fix this issue short of having a tech come in and take care of it???

    thanks in advance for any advice- x-posted to all relevant communties.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/546901.html

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