oh god where do I start?

    Date: 01/05/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, security, virus, microsoft

    (xposted to computersupport in hopes of getting all these problems solved!)

    I just got my computer back online, and I've run into a few troubles in the last 6 months of no internet.

    first off. I got a digital camera, installed the software, then installed photoshop. When I hook up my camera, the computer recognizes it and opens my photoshop, uploading my pictures. So is the Kodak Easyshare software even necessary? if I took it off, will my computer still recognize my camera? The software is little more than a nuesence right now.

    also, the kodak software somehow messed with my thumbnail-to-full-size option when clicking on a picture in my files. it used to be the picture would take up the majority of the screen, and I could still do the whole next/previous options. This is what my computer was like when I bought it... but now when I click on a thumbnail of a picture, the whole thing takes up my screen except for 2 blue buttons saying "add to collection" or "done." How do I change this back to the original state?

    Now for virus protection... I had Norton Internet Security 2004, and it expired. my computer prompted me to buy online a new subscription, but instead I went out and bought the same disc of 2005, thinking I could just enter the new product key. I even tried uninstalling the whole thing, then re-installing it with the new product key. no such luck. my computer still recognizes this as an expired 2004 virus protection and gives me popups every 20 seconds telling me to buy a new subscription online. Their tech support charges per minute so I was hoping to find help on here.

    It still sends me warnings when my computer tries to access the internet though. So while using Music Match Jukebox's option to find track tags online, my computer asked if it was okay to allow "MIM" to access the internet... I didn't know Music Match Jukebox would be called MIM so I said Block, and now I can't figure out how to allow it to connect! (I'm a total software illiterate) any ideas?

    I'm still having a problem of my computer telling me that it can't find "mkbdata.dat" at startup. I think it's a mouse software, but I can't figure out how to delete it, or what the old mouse would be called on my computer. I had this problem months ago but never solved it.

    I need a software that allows me to edit audio and video tracks. like for songs on CD's that have 20 minutes of silence before playing a hidden track. it's taking up WAY too much room on my computer. anything free available?

    now my last two problems (for now.) I deleted some annoying mail thing that was on my computer when I got it, because I never used the program. but now when I click on an "email me" link on people's pages, it tells me "could not complete because you do not have a default mail client set up." PLEASE help me re-download whatever I deleted or help me find a new program that even I could understand. And lastly, I REALLY miss Microsoft Works... like Wordpad but with more options of what you can do with the page. Anyone know where I can download this for free?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/560509.html

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