help!! annoying security prompts

    Date: 01/06/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: html, security, ebay

    I run: windows 98 SE, IE 6.0

    For some reason, just today, when I log into sites, I can't STAY logged in, and I get annoying security certifcate prompts everytime I go to ebay and gmail ..

    I can't access the 'standard' view of gmail, and the 'html' version of gmail wont let me delete messages.

    I looked in my internet options >> advanced tab, and 'warn about invalid site certifates' is UNCHECKED, (I never had it checked in the first place, nor did I change any security settings to make it this way, so I have no idea what is going on.)

    I cleared ALL cookies, my cache, my temp internet files, ran hijackthis, and spybot, and nothing showed any problems or fixed anything.

    wtf is going on?

    thanks alot for your help.


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