wireless question

    Date: 03/26/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    normally i'm on the other side of the help questions, usually helping at least some...but i have a question. wireless cards showing signal strength changing all the time. using the same laptop, i've had 2 different speed wireless pcmcia cards, and 2 different wireless routers. One set was slower and now a high speed set. I can be using my laptop wirelessly 6 inches from the router or across the room, and the stupid bubble pops up telling me my connection is good, bad, excellent, shitty, whatever, over and over. Why won't it just connect, stay good and not give me crap? only set up beyond changing password was only hooking it up, it connects and goes. no other wireless systems are found when i turn my router off. anybody got some insight for me to check or try?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/605709.html

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