1. AOL Network

    Date: 03/02/05     Keywords: virus

    I'm experimenting with something. I used to be an AOL member back in the day. I also recently used a 6 month (plus 3 more) trial just so I would have McAfee Virus Scan for free (included with AOL service). I cancelled AOL, uninstalled it, lost McAfee and all was fine. I didn't like the idea of being unprotected though so I asked someone if I could try something.

    I downloaded AOL again and asked a good friend if I could log onto their account just long enough to download McAfee Virus Scan. After that was successful, I uninstalled AOL. I uninstalled anything that said "AOL" in it through my Add/Delete Programs menu (except "AOL Instant Messenger"). Everything seems to be fine and McAfee is still up and running, but there is one small annoyance. The AOL Network icon (and program) will not go away. I was pretty sure that it went away last time when I uninstalled. I was thinking that it might have to do with the fact that I'm still using McAfee and that it needs the AOL Network to verify the subscription account. If so, that's fine, but I would like to see if McAfee can still function without this.

    I don't know why AOL even has this program available for broadband users. I've never used it, but from what I gather, it's a dialer that lets dial-up users sign on without having to load the AOL program. There is also an option to sign on using BYOA. But if you have your own high-speed connection already, there is no need to even use AOL to gain a connection. They discontinued the AOL High-Speed service over a year ago (AOL offered users their own high-speed service, in case you didn't know). As far as I know, it's still available to those who had it before they discontinued it though.

    So yeah, I just need to get rid of the AOL Network stuff. Thank you.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/343538.html

  2. Norton's reg key

    Date: 03/01/05     Keywords: no keywords

    I wanna know how to change Norton's registration key in regedit.exe

    Anyone got an idea???

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/342830.html

  3. please help

    Date: 03/01/05     Keywords: no keywords

    Hi. I'm having a problem with internet explorer. I use it and will not be switching *but* I was wondering if anyone knew how to "turn off" the feature that automatically switches back to the screen to recently loaded page. For example, I always have about 4 internet explorer windows open. I click on a link on page "1" and continue reading info on page "2". and then the screen automatically switches to page "1" because it's just finished loading. it's really annoying :(

    If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it...

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/342753.html

  4. InstallShield not working

    Date: 02/28/05     Keywords: no keywords

    I'm using Windows 98 and I'm trying to install a digital camera, specifically the Fuji Finepix A205s.

    I put the CD in and it tried to load up an InstallShield thingie and it came up with an error message saying something like "a device attached to the system (ikernel.exe) is not functioning, installation failed". I can't remember it exactly, I can go back and try installing again if you want the exact error message.

    So I tried downloading a driver from the net that said it was suitable for my camera and it said it had installed okay but when I turn the camera on, my PC still comes up with a message saying it's unrecognised hardware and that it needs a driver.

    Any suggestions? I really want to get on with playing with my camera!

    Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give me.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/342204.html

  5. Real player

    Date: 02/27/05     Keywords: no keywords

    I've been having trouble with real player later. I have the basic free version downloaded..anyways, I tried watching a movie that I downloaded and when it comes up on the screen it's upside down. This just started occuring, I've never had a problem with it before. Is there any way I can rotate it?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/341515.html

  6. hmmm

    Date: 02/26/05     Keywords: virus

    i'm gonna reformat an old laptop toshiba techra 8100. i will be putting xp pro on it. now i know that there's some lsass virus thing that shuts down the comp, is there some sort of patch for this? AND what else do i need to take note to prevent any ye olde tech. difficulites? should i install sp1 and 2? how do i install these with out the computer calling home or registering? are there special serials i can use, instead of the fckgw etc ..?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/341400.html

  7. wireless connection

    Date: 02/26/05     Keywords: no keywords

    heres a good one for you guys. i'd hope.

    i got a wireless router, linksys to be exact, wireless G yadda yadda.

    how do i make it so that when i get phonecalls it doesn't kill my wireless connection, and then i have to wait for the phone convo to end and the phone to be turned off i.e. hung up, in order for the wireless connection to be re-established?

    xposted like a mofo

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/341014.html

  8. Help! :(

    Date: 02/24/05     Keywords: microsoft

    Hi, how is everyone doing?

    Yesterday a problem occured involving my internet. Everytime I try to click on the Internet icon on my desktop..A box comes up that looks like this:


    I tried contacting Microsoft about the problem but they didnt really help. They told me to reinstall my internet, but I think there is something I can do other than to install it again. Can anyone help me?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/339947.html

  9. x-posted to the other computer help community

    Date: 02/22/05     Keywords: no keywords


    This is my first time posting here, so I hope I don't get my head bitten off for one reason or another.

    Anyhow, I need a new router because the old one is outdated and isn't compatible with the new modem (which is a whole nother story) and know diddly about what makes a good router. Preferably somewhat affordable. The router is going to be used to connect my cable internet to a Sony Vaio laptop running on Windows XP Home (soon to be a homemade PC to take it's place, most likely to run on XP Home or Professional), a pieced together computer running on Windows XP Home as well, and an Xbox. Any input or recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced!

    I just got word that the new modem is compatible with the old router, the technician was just using the broken port on the router. With that said, I would still like to get a new router, preferably wireless. I'm sure exactly how wireless would work. Would I need to buy any additional pieces to plug into my computer(s)/Xbox? Sorry I'm so clueless about everything. Thanks in advance, once again.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/339207.html

  10. Help please

    Date: 02/21/05     Keywords: no keywords

    Well I have a mac ( i hate it) and when it try to download mp3s your supposed to right click and 'save target as'. now do you do this on a mac?
    Thank you.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/339146.html

  11. Hotmail Help

    Date: 02/20/05     Keywords: no keywords

    Hey guys,
    I hope someone can help me.
    I did something weird and funky to my hotmail account and now my inbox displays messeges backwards. I mean, when I go to my inbox it shows the least recent emails first and most recent last. It drives me mad. And I dont know how to fix it.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/337945.html

  12. Webpage hell...

    Date: 02/19/05     Keywords: spam

    Growl. for some absurd reason though the code exists on the comp my comp it's disappearing or part of my code as I upload, it changes what the code is deleting some whilst I upload so there's no dop banner and no content!

    Anyone got a clue what could cause it? I use smartftp to ftp and the site I'm working on is at http://www.hawks-haven.com that's the index page, only one so far cause I'm redoing the whole site and testing the new design fully getting it up first.

    Below the cut leads to the spam of the two pages I wind up with... the one I wrote and that exists on my comp... and the one that somehow it morphs into as I ftp it. Tried three different ftp programs... don't get why my code is changing.

    Original page code:

    {html}{!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/Main.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --}
    {!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" --}
    {title}Hawks-Haven.com : {/title}
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    {meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"}
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    * Jim's DHTML Menu v5.7- © Jim Salyer (jsalyer@REMOVETHISmchsi.com)
    * Visit Dynamic Drive: http://www.dynamicdrive.com for script and instructions
    * This notice must stay intact for use

    {script type="text/javascript" src="www.Hawks-Haven/Default/Coding/NavigationalMenu/includes/config.js"}{/script}


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    {p}This Page is Under Construction...{/p}
    {p}Tune in later for actual content... amazingly enough given time it will come...........{/p}
    {p align="right"}...................just give it a little bit of time, it will come. {/p}
    {p align="left"}Yakity yakity yakity. {/p}
    {!-- InstanceEndEditable --}zzzzztest2{/div}{/td}

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    {span class="style1"}Hawks-Haven.com is copyright from 2001 onwards, the style of the page may have changed but all previous style and content as well as current: graphics content design and style as well as anything else under this domain unless otherwise noted.{/span} {/p}
    Last Updated {strong}:{/strong}
    {!-- #BeginDate format:fAm1a --}Saturday February 19, 2005 1:54 AM{!-- #EndDate --}
    {p}{!--WEBBOT bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan ALT="Site Meter" --}
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    {!-- Copyright (c)2005 Site Meter --}
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    I ftp it to my server and suddenly after that I wind up with:

    {!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
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    {td colspan="4"}{div align="center" class="style1"}
    {span class="style1"}Hawks-Haven.com is copyright from 2001 onwards, the style of the page may have changed but all previous style and content as well as current: graphics content design and style as well as anything else under this domain unless otherwise noted.{/span} {/p}
    Last Updated {strong}:{/strong}
    {!-- #BeginDate format:fAm1a --}Saturday February 19, 2005 1:26 AM{!-- #EndDate --}

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    Problem = Code seems to disappear after uploading. Everything's there and fine till it's on the server then some stuff disappears. Suddenly no banner and no content [in the white part the text that should exist there.]

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/337625.html

  13. Help with a virus problem

    Date: 02/19/05     Keywords: virus, web

    Hello. I'm having a lot of trouble with some viruses (trojans? dialers?) on my computer. It's a Dell Dimension 8400, Windows XP. What happened was that when I logged onto AIM, it suddenly shut down, and an icon with a picture of woman's eyes and the words "XXX" appeared on my desktop. A few porn sites appeared in my favorites list too. A couple minutes later, the Internet inexpliacably logged off, citing a sspMyDoom.cih trojan as the reason. I do not know what this is. I can't find anything remotely comprehensible that would help me get rid of this trojan. So that's my first problem. I don't know if this is the reason for the mystery porn.

    The second problem is that I ran a virus scan with Norton Anti-Virus 2004, and 25 things came up--possible threats, I believe. I asked it to delete them, but it only deleted 4 for some reason. Most of it is Adware, but a couple of them are Dialers.

    So what exactly is a dialer? How do I get rid of it? I looked it up on Symantec and two in particular (Dialer.Tibbs and Dialer.webview) fit the description for the porn thing. How would I get rid of it?

    I would greatly appreciate any adivce you'd have to give me. It's very embarrassing having this unwanted porn on my computer, especially where my parents can see. Please help me if you could, and I apologize in advance if I sound like an idiot.

    EDIT: UPDATE: I did what Symantec.com said to do to get rid of the dialers, but Norton Anti-Virus won't let me delete it. So that's another problem to add on. Thanks again in advance.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/337403.html

  14. Trouble saving images in the fromat i want...

    Date: 02/18/05     Keywords: web

    I am having issues my computer will display moving images such as livejournal icons when i first open webpages but then once the whole page loads the images stop moving.Also when i now try to save and image like an icon and then try to use it on livejournal it says that it is not in the right format. help please!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/337025.html

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