Date: 06/01/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I work at Best Buy and recently we hooked up an HP m7470 computer to demo Windows Media Center on an HDTV. The system has an Athlon 4200+ dual core processor, 2GB of RAM (expandable to 4GB), 300GB HD, with a TV tuner and all that other stuff for $1000. The standard card is a Radeon 200 or some crap which won't fly with me. My question is... which card should I get? I'm torn between ATI's Radeon X1900 XTX (maybe the Crossfire) or Nvidia's best.

    Will that system with an ATI card be an amazing gaming machine? I'm a huge fan of Half-Life 2 and other FPS's as well as RTS games like AOE3 or C&C and I want insane quality. Give me your honnest opinion. Price IS NOT an issue seeing as I can get 40-50% off with Best Buy's employee program but only with ATI. So, will it suit my needs?

    Thanks, D


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