Decent PC spec suggestions?

    Date: 06/01/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: linux

    I am planning on building a pc in the near future and i had a few bar bones specs that i would want, and i just wanted to know you anybody had anything to add to them:

    Intel Pentuim 4 w/HT 3GHz
    nVidia GeForce 256MB Video Card
    1GB RAM
    160GB HD
    Windows XP Media Center w/ dual-boot SuSE Linux

    Most part will be coming from my pal that works at Intel, becasue whenever the drop a palette, they give everything on it away for free. This means that i should be spending about $100-$200 on this computer. I mainly want something that will churn through The Sims 2 and be able to play DVDs, and Churn through internet tasks like buttuh.


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