Ready to throw in the towel

    Date: 01/02/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: linux, google

    I can't believe the number of hoops I have to jump through in order to even get an internet connection working on a Kubuntu distribution. Right now I don't have it working even though I've been working on a solution all day

    It looks like I'm hardly the only one having problems with this- FAR from it

    ...and this is not even counting getting the graphics card to work right. That's for later!

    I don't have any more excess energy to deal with this crap today... I'm just going to install Vista 64-bit RC2 in another partition and be done with it

    This is the reason why so many people aren't on Linux yet. At least LAST time I had an internet connection when trying Ubuntu on my older notebook. This is utterly ridiculous. Worst comes to worst I'll just format the partition Kubuntu is installed on into NTFS again and call it a day.


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