Ajax web apps and pipe dreams

    Date: 05/19/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Remember all those years ago when Larry Ellison from Oracle stated that PCs are going to die (yes, there are plenty of times when the PC's demise has been predicted or outright stated, but I'm talking about the time that Ellison did it) to make way for server-side computing? He pushed the idea that everyone would only own client machines that have pretty much no hard disks or at least no applications installed on them. Applications would be pushed to the clients on-demand.

    Needless to say the "vision" was quite ahead of its time, for a time that perhaps or perhaps would never arrive.

    Well, today I saw something that reminded me of that.


    Could there be a day in which no applications exist on anyone's personal computing apparatus anymore, or was Ellison's pipe dream really PIPE?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1073086.html

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