
    Date: 06/23/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    So this is gunna seem really dumb and I should know the answer, but here's the deal; I was trying to format my buddies computer but it wouldn't boot from cd, so I started installing xp from windows thinking it would restart and give me the option to format. But it said I cannot delete the selected partition because there are temporary setup files that are needed, but I can overwrite the windows folder by putting xp on the same partition. So I did that, but alas now there are two OS's on there. How do I delete the old one? And even if I do delete the old one, all the files and stuff are still on the new one, so how do I do a complete format now? I tried hitting f9 during startup to get into bios and change the settings into boot from cd but bios wouldn't come up.


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