Drive Mapping in Windows XP

    Date: 06/23/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: microsoft, google

    My client has a brand spanking new XP box that I built, & installed the OS on. I did not install XP in the traditional boot from cd way. Instead I Ghosted from an image server we have here after using an OEM preinstall disk & installing all of the drivers, programs, etc. I know I used the correct image, and all of the drivers & programs were installed correctly. He needs to map a drive so that he can retrieve programs, etc. from it. Unfortunately, when he right clicks on My Computer & selects "Map a Network drive" it does absolutely nothing. No matter which way we try to map the drive, it still won't do anything.

    I really am not sure how I can fix this, and can find nothing on Microsoft's knowledgebase or Google that pertains to troubleshooting this kind of problem. Can anyone shed any light on this?

    x-posted to '[info]'compgeekz, '[info]'computergeeks, '[info]'computerhelp, and '[info]'pcgeeks.


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