Storing quantities with units

    Date: 04/09/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: software

    I am writing inventory software for a company that uses a lot of chemicals, with varying units for both the chemicals, and other things such as purity. Is there a better\more clever way to store the units of measure for such things than having something like an Amount column and an Amount_units column?

    Also, instead of coming in g,, sometimes things come in packs or sets of (for example) 500 g (i.e., inventory would show 3 x 500g in human readable form.) Currently, I have it set up such that there is an amount column, which in this case would store the three, and a "quant" column (reflected that the item is quantized) that would store the 500. Is there a better way to do this?

    Thanks, humans..


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