
    Date: 07/20/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: microsoft

    Hi all. I'm at it again and this time I'm trying to use the ArrayList class that's found within the System.Collections namespace. However, I don't seem to HAVE this namespace. I've added System, and I've tried to manually add System.Collections into the references but I don't see it. So I type it in manually, and try to do an ArrayList but it says "The type or namespace 'ArrayList' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)" and I'm at a loss of how to fix this.

    I'm using version 2.0.50727 of the .NET Framework, which if I'm not mistaken is the newer version (at least Microsoft's Update doesn't show any newer versions). I'm using Visual C# 2005, as well.

    Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? I really need this ArrayList to finish this project.


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