Performance counters in .NET

    Date: 07/30/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: no keywords

    I was wondering if PerformanceCounter classes in .NET (specifically those monitoring processor time) would return samples based upon a possible max value of 100, or a possible max value of (100 * number of logical processors)? On a multithreaded Pentium IV I am seeing Idle values of 193 - 198, which I assume is simply the total of the Idle processes on logical processor 0 and logical processor 1.

    Is there a better way to get the true average Idle process time than to simply divide this sample by the number of logical processors in the system? Is there a performance counter that will give me a normalized figure on a set scale (e.g. 0-1, 0-100, etc.) per process?

    Thanks for any information.


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