VS.NET - change project's directory

    Date: 08/16/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: sql, web

    In Visual Studio.NET Pro, my solution has two projects -- one WebSite project, and one SQL Server project. I want to move the two projects into different physical directories on my HDD, and preserve the same solution. When I do that, the Solution complains that it can't find the projects (duh). If I try to "Add Existing Items", then I am able to add the SQL Server project, but Website project does not have a file like ".csproj", therefore adding them again after moving them doesn't seem to work. Could someone suggest how can I move the projects into different folder while preserving my solution?

    (This annoying stuff has to be done, because AnkhSVN does not work unless projects are in the solution directory, grrr).

    Follow-up: I moved the projects, and edited the addresses in the .sln file. Now AnkhSVN is able to export the SQL Server project to the Subversion repository, but it still refuses to export the WebSite project, complaining that it is not under the solution root directory. I've already put it in the same folder as the sln file, it still complains. Do you know why?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/73369.html

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