Problem connecting to a java webservice

    Date: 08/19/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: java, security, web

    I am writing a simple c# app in Visual C# 2005 Express to connect to a java webservice. I am basing my code off of an Visual Basic 2003 app that someone else wrote that doesn't do all that I want. My problem is I keep getting the following error messages when I try to use the service.

    A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in System.Web.Services.dll
    The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.

    public bool Work(string request, string response, string environment)
    StreamReader fileStream = new StreamReader(request);
    string content = fileStream.ReadToEnd();
    VitalWS.WebServiceFacadeService webService = new VitalWS.WebServiceFacadeService();
    string cmdLine;
    if (environment != "veasm" || environment != "veasm2")
    cmdLine = "https://" + environment + "";
    cmdLine = "http://" + environment + "";
    webService.Url = cmdLine;
    X509Certificate privateKeyCertificate = null;
    X509CertificateStore store = new
    bool open = store.OpenRead();
    foreach (X509Certificate certificate in store.Certificates)
    if (certificate.Subject.IndexOf("wamueast") > 1)
    privateKeyCertificate = certificate;
    if (store != null)
    Console.WriteLine("Certificate CN:" + privateKeyCertificate.Subject);
    webService.RequestSoapContext.Path.MustUnderstand = false;
    X509SecurityToken digitalSignatureSecurityToken = new X509SecurityToken(privateKeyCertificate);
    Signature digitalSignature = new Signature(digitalSignatureSecurityToken);
    digitalSignature.SignatureOptions = SignatureOptions.IncludeNone;
    digitalSignature.SignatureOptions = SignatureOptions.IncludeSoapBody;
    string webResponse = null;
    bool result = false;
    webResponse = webService.executeService(content);
    return result;
    catch (System.Net.WebException we)
    return result;

    Can anyone offer a suggestion why this does not seem to work? I know that the url for the webservice is correct because I can use the buggy VB.Net app to get a response.



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