PictureBox and the classified scaling factor

    Date: 01/04/07 (C Sharp)    Keywords: no keywords

    Alright, this is beyond asinine.

    I'm writing a program to allow someone to look at a CMYK image in our company's format.  That part was, ironically, the easy part.  I construct an RGB bitmap that Windows can actually deal with, and put it in a PictureBox.  The PictureBox, set to Zoom mode, resizes the bitmap and does a best-fit to make it as large as possible within the viewable area.

    However, what I need to be able to do now is let the user select a portion of the image, and make a bitmap of that.  Obviously, I could crop and resize part of the bitmap I've already created, but I need to go back to the source CMYK image and rebuild a preview, because, over multiple crops, the image would be constantly scaled, and would start to look terrible.

    Does anyone know of anyway to get the actual (that is, drawn) position and size of an image in a PictureBox?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/80046.html

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