drag and drop outlook contacts

    Date: 01/08/07 (C Sharp)    Keywords: microsoft

    I am trying to drag and drop an outlook contact into a form. No matter what I do it sees it as text. I am trying to make it work so the contact is dropped and the various objects within the contact (FullName, BusinessAddress, etc.) can then be assigned to a string and populate the form. I can grab the whole thing as one string and plonk that in a field but that really isn't much use. Using an array gets the same useless effect.

    I know there are usually only a few types GetData knows how to work with (eg. text, gif, etc.) do I need to define a custom format using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ContactItemClass ? Is there someway I can make it see what it is?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/80210.html

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