DataGrid Madness

    Date: 03/23/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: programming, database

    Hello everyone:

    I'm curious if anyone has had in experiance with programming datagrids.

    I'm using "C#" and what I want to do is build a report writer.

    I populated a Datagrid from an Access database Table, now I want
    build controls that let user select what columns to put into their report
    and how to filter the rows based on the columns they've chosen.


    From a listbox you select Account# and ContactName.

    The Datagrid shows the full range of Account#'s and ContactName's.

    I want to give them a chance to filter the above datagrid by the rows they chose, in this case
    Account# and ContactName.

    I've devised that I want to try and build a 'Select' and refill and bind the dataset.

    I'm just unsure about how to set up the sorting/filtering part. *head scratch*

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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