help with a C# program

    Date: 03/26/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: programming

    Hey everyone...I'm new to programming - taking a beginners C# class. I'm having problems with my latest project...been trying to figure it out all night. Can anyone help? I'm sure it's really simple.

    The project is simple - (we're learning about classes): create a form that allows a user to enter information about their pet into text boxes. Create a pet class. Output the summary of the information they entered onto a new form onto labels, not a messagebox.

    I believe I did it all correctly....but when I begin coding the Summary button code I get this error:

    'P6CM.SummaryForm.petNamelbl' is inaccessible due to its protection level

    This is the full code for that button.

    private void summaryBtn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    //displays the summary on a different form
    SummaryForm summaryFormObject = new SummaryForm();
    summaryFormObject.petNamelbl.Text = Pet.Name.ToString();


    I've tried so many things...has anyone experienced this error?


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