1. How to Program the BlackBerry With J2ME

    Date: 05/18/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: browser, html, java

    An excellent article describing Blackberry architecture and two application models (The browser-based model or Custom Java Application). The browser-based model allows developers to focus on developing back-end content in a standard markup language, such as the Wireless Markup Language (WML) or the compact Hypertext Markup Language (cHTML). Using existing browsers' client capabilities frees the developer [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-program-the-blackberry-with-j2me/

  2. html help please

    Date: 05/19/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html, web

    What are the html tags to put text directly next to a picture like a news paper article? As in have them side by side rather than place the pic up top and then the text on the bottom. Are there any similar tags that make the text go around the picture? As in have the text box in the picture? You can do it on Word. I need the html to do it on webpages.

    Thanks for the help in advance

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1981169.html

  3. scrollbar

    Date: 05/19/05 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: html, java, web

    hi everyone
    how can i make scrollbars like these
    but in html ( javascript ).

    i know its possible to "skin" scrollbars with javascript, but can anyone tell me how to do it?
    thanks :)

    ( x-posted in '[info]'javascript and '[info]'webdesign )

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/javascript/67472.html

  4. scrollbar

    Date: 05/19/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, java, web

    hi everyone
    how can i make scrollbars like these
    but in html ( javascript ).

    i know its possible to "skin" scrollbars with javascript, but can anyone tell me how to do it?
    thanks :)

    ( x-posted in '[info]'javascript and '[info]'webdesign )

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/883827.html

  5. WordPress + EzStatic + MicroWiki = frustration!

    Date: 05/20/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, software, html

    Thanks for all your comments and suggestions when I asked for recommendations for blog software.

    So I installed WordPress 1.5.1 yesterday and today I've been trying to install MicroWiki. I'm stumped by the EzStatic install/config and/or the MicroWiki install/config. I've followed the instructions but I just can't get in to MicroWiki.

    Here are the links: [homepage for the WP blog] [where I'd expect to find the wiki]

    I've installed EzStatic as per the instructions: ezstatic.php resides in ~blog/wp-content/plugins ("blog" isn't really it's a user - I'm just using that as shorthand for the top-level directory of the WP installation). I haven't messed around with the Advanced Configuration section as I don't really know PHP.

    "If EzStatic is activated on your server, but your static content doesn't appear, it could be the result of several issues: First, be doubly sure that EzStatic is activated on your WordPress Plugins tab. It doesn't work if it's not turned on." I've been installing a few plugins today, but I've double checked that EzStatic is active.

    "Second, view the source of a page that should contain EzStatic content. If EzStatic is truly active, then somewhere in the HTML source you should see a message. Search the source for "EzStatic"." This is where it gets confusing ... http://www.henman.name/blog/wp-content/wiki/index.php is empty, and yet I can see the source PHP file OK. I can also browse to the .GIF and .TXT files in that same directory.

    So what's up with the Wiki's PHP file? Or is it EzSetup? Or something else??

    p.s. The blog only contains a couple of dummy entries (copied from my LJ) so I can trash it if I absolutely have to ... although I hope/suspect that won't be necessary.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/202350.html

  6. email form

    Date: 05/21/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html, web

    I was wondering if anyone in this community knows how to make a form for collecting email. I need something for a web site that has a text box for visitors to enter their email address to receive a news letter. I can do the html part, but I don't know how to collect the data.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1983666.html

  7. CSS in IE6???

    Date: 05/22/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: css, html, java, web

    I just tried setting up my first website. I'm not a professional, but I am trying to teach myself about web development. I set up this website by creating .htm docutments in Dreamweaver. I wrote out all the code myself and didnt really use any of Dreamweaver's features.

    So far I've only been able to test it in IE6 and AOL (using IE6). In both, I recieve error messages telling me that AOL or IE6 must close due to an error. I predefined the window size using a javascript, but in AOL the size comes up incorrectly. With or without this resizing script, the error messages still occur, and AOL/IE6 needs to close. Here is the site. (BTW, this site is only meant for family and friends...these bags are not for sale to the general public.)

    I've been researching this, and read that IE6 can have some doctype issues. The doctype on all of my pages is this: !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN", and shouldnt cause any problems.

    What is the best solution? I ljcut my CSS code below. Is the syntax wrong, or not strict enough, so that it's causing errors? If I want my page to be universally viewed, should I not be using CSS? I had heard that using frames is outdated, and I really like the control CSS gives me over everything on the page.

    Thanks for any and all help!!! It will be very much appreciated! (I apologize for any x-posting.)

    All of the below code is formatted correctly on the actual page. The syntax is correct, and the entire website works correctly when I test it in Internet Explorer through Dreamweaver.

    body {background: url(background_image.jpg) fixed; scroll: no}

    p {color: red}

    p.white {background-color: white}

    p.topmenu {background-color: white; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14;

    line-height: 15pt; border-style: dotted; border-width: 4px; border-color: red;

    position: absolute; left: 20px; top: 100px; width: 100px; text-align: center}

    p.menu {background-color: white; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14;

    line-height: 15pt; border-style: dotted; border-width: 4px; border-color: red;

    position: relative; left: 30px; top: 5px; width: 120px; text-align: center}

    p.main {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: white; font-size: 13;

    line-height: 13pt; font-weight: bold; position: absolute; left: 220px; top: 20px; height: 500;

    width: 420; border-style: dotted; border-width: 4px; border-color: red}

    p.title {background-color: white; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14;

    line-height: 15pt; border-style: dotted; border-width: 4px; border-color: red;

    position: relative; left: 10px; top: 5px; width: 120px; text-align: center}

    p.lower_right_image {position: absolute; left: 510px; top: 340px}

    p.image2 {position: absolute; left: 260px; top: 360px}

    p.thumb {position: absolute; left: 230px; top: 30px}

    a:link {text-decoration: none; color: black; border: 0}

    a:active {text-decoration: none; color: black}

    a:visited {text-decoration: none; color: black}

    a:hover{text-decoration: none; color: red}

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/202907.html

  8. CSS in IE6???

    Date: 05/22/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html, java, web

    I just tried setting up my first website. I'm not a professional, but I am trying to teach myself about web development. I set up this website by creating .htm docutments in Dreamweaver. I wrote out all the code myself and didnt really use any of Dreamweaver's features.

    So far I've only been able to test it in IE6 and AOL (using IE6). In both, I recieve error messages telling me that AOL or IE6 must close due to an error. I predefined the window size using a javascript, but in AOL the size comes up incorrectly. With or without this resizing script, the error messages still occur, and AOL/IE6 needs to close. Here is the site. (BTW, this site is only meant for family and friends...these bags are not for sale to the general public.)

    I've been researching this, and read that IE6 can have some doctype issues. The doctype on all of my pages is this: !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN", and shouldnt cause any problems.

    What is the best solution? I ljcut my CSS code below. Is the syntax wrong, or not strict enough, so that it's causing errors? If I want my page to be universally viewed, should I not be using CSS? I had heard that using frames is outdated, and I really like the control CSS gives me over everything on the page.

    Thanks for any and all help!!! It will be very much appreciated! (I apologize for any x-posting.)

    All of the below code is formatted correctly on the actual page. The syntax is correct, and the entire website works correctly when I test it in Internet Explorer through Dreamweaver.

    body {background: url(background_image.jpg) fixed; scroll: no}

    p {color: red}

    p.white {background-color: white}

    p.topmenu {background-color: white; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14;

    line-height: 15pt; border-style: dotted; border-width: 4px; border-color: red;

    position: absolute; left: 20px; top: 100px; width: 100px; text-align: center}

    p.menu {background-color: white; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14;

    line-height: 15pt; border-style: dotted; border-width: 4px; border-color: red;

    position: relative; left: 30px; top: 5px; width: 120px; text-align: center}

    p.main {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: white; font-size: 13;

    line-height: 13pt; font-weight: bold; position: absolute; left: 220px; top: 20px; height: 500;

    width: 420; border-style: dotted; border-width: 4px; border-color: red}

    p.title {background-color: white; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14;

    line-height: 15pt; border-style: dotted; border-width: 4px; border-color: red;

    position: relative; left: 10px; top: 5px; width: 120px; text-align: center}

    p.lower_right_image {position: absolute; left: 510px; top: 340px}

    p.image2 {position: absolute; left: 260px; top: 360px}

    p.thumb {position: absolute; left: 230px; top: 30px}

    a:link {text-decoration: none; color: black; border: 0}

    a:active {text-decoration: none; color: black}

    a:visited {text-decoration: none; color: black}

    a:hover{text-decoration: none; color: red}

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/886639.html

  9. Tables and cells with backgrounds

    Date: 05/23/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html, asp

    I have a slippery grasp on the concept of tables.

    That is my design. The source shows that I attempted to split the various sections using tables.

    That is what I want to do with the design (scaled down).

    What I can't figure out:
    1. How to get text on top of the leftframe_03.jpg image.
    2. How to turn the entire middle section into a cell that will contain all of the site's content. And be able to stick as much content in there as I want, meaning the site would have a scrollbar and whatnot.

    Anyone is welcome to fool around with the files if they would like to help me out!

    I've really tried, but for whatever reason I am just too quick to get frustrated with this design. So thank you!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1986862.html

  10. Bookmarks for web-developers

    Date: 05/24/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html, xml, web, seo

    The "Bookmarks for web-designers and web-developers" contains over 200 links to resources related to webdesign.


    01. Creativity
    02. CSS techniques and examples
    02 a. CSS techniques
    02 b. Tabs & Navigation Menus
    02 c. CSS- & HTML-Web-Tools
    02 d. CSS/HTML-Specifications
    02 e. Other useful Web-Tools
    03. Web design
    03 a. Written & unwritten rules
    03 b. Color Tools, Mixers etc.
    03 c. Web Design magazines
    03 d. Royalty free photos
    04. Usability
    05. Freelancers resources
    06. Search engines & SEO
    07. Other catalogs
    08. Bookmarks: Maxi version
    Submit a link

    The list is updated once a week and has an XML Feed.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/888530.html

  11. Essential bookmarks for web-developers

    Date: 05/24/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: css, html, xml, web, seo

    The "Bookmarks for web-designers and web-developers" contains over 200 links to resources related to web-design and web-development.


    01. Creativity

    02. CSS techniques and examples

    02 a. CSS techniques
    02 b. Tabs & Navigation Menus
    02 c. CSS- & HTML-Web-Tools
    02 d. CSS/HTML-Specifications
    02 e. Other useful Web-Tools

    03. Web design
    03 a. Written & unwritten rules
    03 b. Color Tools, Mixers etc.
    03 c. Web Design magazines
    03 d. Royalty free photos

    04. Usability

    05. Freelancers resources

    06. Search engines & SEO

    07. Other catalogs

    08. Bookmarks: Maxi version
    Submit a link

    The list is updated once a week and has an XML Feed.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/203770.html

  12. Help

    Date: 05/26/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html

    How would you encode dhtml/css using a template or layout like csszengarden. Would I use photoshop or just straight up css/dhtml to create the page.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/890113.html

  13. Scrollbars When Needed

    Date: 05/26/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html

    Does anyone know if there's a simple way I can set a no-frames page to only show scrollbars when needed? I have an image on my 1024x768 page that bleeds off a 800x600 page, and would prefer not to have scroll bars showing for those people viewing with a smaller display. I'm using Dreamweaver MX 2004 but have a basic knowledge of HTML. It's probably something really simple right?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/889923.html

  14. Looking for www-newspapers/magazines template sets

    Date: 05/26/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html

    Does anyone here has the links to available collections/examples of newspapers' (online-periodicals) template sets ? HTML + CSS sets are of interest.
    Want to browse such sets collections (but not to browse ready newspapers).
    (Search-engines search gives not much...)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/889375.html

  15. Help

    Date: 05/26/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: css, html

    How would you encode dhtml/css using a template or layout like csszengarden. Would I use photoshop or just straight up css/dhtml to create the page.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/204300.html

  16. XML Encoding

    Date: 05/26/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: rss, html, xml

    I'm writing a lib to produce RSS/Atom feeds for a site.

    I have the character “ in some stories.

    I have done htmlspecialchars($title), however, this still produces a character that feedvalidator.com don't like in the XML.

    How should I correctly trap/encode this (and other similar) characters?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/301066.html

  17. Any Thunderbird RSS gurus out there?

    Date: 05/31/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: php, rss, html, xml, web

    I just started using Thunderbird as an RSS reader and I'm noticing strange behavior with my feed. If I load up http://www.perturb.org/rss.php in thunderbird the entries it displays are links to web pages. When I view one of those feeds it shows that entry as it is embeded on the webpage. If I look at one of the entries from http://www.lessig.org/blog/index.xml the entry shows the raw text that's in the RSS feed no HTML requests made.

    Considering the first feed is from my blog, how do I make Thunderbird show the raw content, instead of the HTML. It's exported correctly. Bloglines sees the content just fine. Is there a Thunderbird setting I'm missing?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/287317.html

  18. A Map To The Stars

    Date: 05/31/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: html, database

    okay, i'm having a hard time finding the right info to get this to pull together so maybe someone out there in lj land can steer me.. here's the 411..

    i'm working with an access database in a cgi/perl environment with standard html.. i am needing to be able to interact with my access database using standard html.. i was able to locate and read up on the Perl DBI module.. which I think would work.. using perl dbi, access database, print results in html..

    now how do i do this??

    any tutorials.. info.. whatever.. i would buy a book but i no longer carry a wallet due to the fact i don't have money to put into one..

    thanks in advance.. you guys always have the answers..

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/894060.html

  19. Footer in CSS

    Date: 05/31/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, css, html, web

    Ok...what am I doing wrong? I decided to really try to conquer CSS. I created a site that looks fine in IE, but in Netscape and Firefox, it looks crappy. What am I missing??


    How do I get the footer to actually go to the bottom of the page??

    Anyone here adept at using html in custom LJ styles? I need help with my journal style, I want to add my userpic to each entry on the main page, and it's being difficult.
    Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance. :)


    Fixed version is here:


    It took some rewrite of code after reviewing this page:


    Hope it helps someone.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/892943.html

  20. :] help me, please.

    Date: 06/02/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html

    i have a myspace html question.

    does anyone know the codes to get frames
    around certain parts, like just the date
    for the comment section? EXAMPLE HERE

    i tried using border: 2px or whatever, but
    it just goes around the date and not the
    whole line.

    thank you very much. ♥

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1999407.html

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