Do you want to learn Web Design?
Date: 03/17/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: php, css, html, java, web
I'm teaching a one day course in Web Design in New York City on Saturday. All those who can attend are welcome to register for it. Basically I'm going over most of what's done in webdesign. I don't expect anyone to become an expert after this course, but I think a lot of very valuable info is here for webdesigners at all levels, even if someone has never designed a webpage before and has no idea how to do it. It's a very ambitious course that I've never seen attempted before.
For only $59 with pre-registration by March 15, this is a huge bargain at twice the price. ($69 for late registrants) To register, phone 212-643-7005, or e-mail education@nypc.org
Location: NYPC Offices, Suite 1560 in the Hotel New Yorker, 481 8th Avenue (34/35 Sts)
Class Description:
Web Xtreme: Webmastering Overview (For all levels) Web Xtreme (For all levels) This class removes the mystery from website development! A full day overview of the many, many options you have to create or enhance a website. Whether you have never tried to build a website or are a professional designer, there is something for everyone here. Learn what you can do and how to go about doing it. Among the topics to be covered are
* HTML * CSS * Javascript * PHP * Dreamweaver * Flash * Streaming Video * Graphic Options (Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator, etc.) * 3ds max * More...
Bring in any questions you may have about the web. If making a web page has confused you or you think you can do much more with the web, this course is for you.
Our terrific web guru Jeff Frankel will guide us. Jeff is an outstanding instructor, with a very clear presentation style. He regularly teaches Flash at NYPC, and you can see some of his sites at www.webbrooklyn.com
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Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/834316.html
I feel dumb that I can't make this CSS I'm working on do more...
Date: 03/18/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: css, html
I am only learning so sue me...
I grabbed a book on CSS so I could make groupings of my pages look simalar and learn more coding stuffs... *hates college classes with a passion*
That's what I have
that's what it does...and yes I'm aware its not the index page...
I'm probably not going to put the CSS on my index page. Unless I design a specific one for JUST that page and for my subdomain splash intros. Then maybe.
I've been having problems getting the font sizes to adjust properly. I set it to 16 in one spot and the font remained the same size O.O
Well....I'm sure You'll all spot the errors.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/835640.html
Tag Stripping Revisited.
Date: 03/18/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, html, java
There were many valid comments on this thread. I've finally had time lately to address the problems with my article by uploading my InputFilter class to phpclasses.org.
The Blurb: This class can filter input of stray or malicious PHP, Javascript or HTML tags. It can be used to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
It should be used to filter input supplied by the user, such as an HTML code entered in form fields. You create the filter object, configure it with your own settings, then call its process method to clean the form input values.
Example: allowed tags: em, br allowed attributes: title, selected
before: I hope this g>worksg>, dont you? after: I hope this works, dont you?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/274745.html
Question please
Date: 03/18/05
(HTML Help) Keywords: html
Could someone please tell me how I change what my comment and replies say? Instead of just "Post comment" Id like to put song lyrics, but I dont know the correct HTML.
Id really appreciate the help :)
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1852148.html
so here's my present quandry....
Date: 03/18/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: css, html
I'm working on creating a template for a site in XHTML. Now, the template is XHTML compliant, & works beautifully in Safari on a Mac. However :
in IE & Firefox, the background colors don't show up. in IE, my background image for the main table doesn't show up in IE, my flash animations don't load in firefox, my CSS placement is off.
I've used CSS in a limited capacity in the past, & this is my first crack at a fully compliant XHTML site. any hints you guys can offer would be spiffy.
stylesheet : http://www.soft-gel.com/comps/water/stylesheet.css
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/836309.html
Easy Update Tricks?
Date: 03/21/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: html, web
Alright, so my client wants certain sections to be easily updated. Just the text, not the layout or anything. For example, he wants to be able to add new "News" paragraphs, simple enough.
So if my client knows ZERO web code, what would be the easiest way to tackle this issue? Should I just include very detailed HTML comments in the files to guide him along? Or is there a way to make the HTML pull text from a text file? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Also, keep in mind the client may wish to make some words HTML links.
Hopefully some of the experts out there can help me out?
Peace :)
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/838404.html
ahhh help!
Date: 03/23/05
(HTML Help) Keywords: html
i know ABSOLUTELY nothing about html and i'm trying to redo not only my livejournal but also my myspace pages. i'm not sure where to begin, people have always made the pages for me. first question i guess would be: 1.how do i change the background color? 2.how can i add pictures to my background? 3.how do i resize pictures (for the icon or whatever)? 4.am i able to use the same codes on livejournal AND myspace?
i apologize for being so needy with my very first entree here but you gotta start somewhere right? if anyone can help me with this i would GREATLY appreciate it!
AIM- AngeLove626
thank you so much
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1863804.html
Arrays and HTML forms
Date: 03/23/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: html
So I have series of checkboxes in an HTML form (which are the days of the week, typically) that create an array that later gets returned via implode(). The form contains validation for certain fields (it will not be processed if certain fields are empty/invalid and the form will have to be displayed again). It's easy enough to echo the values that have previously been set in text fields and radio buttons (like so):
if (isset($_POST['fullname'])) {echo ' value="' . $_POST['fullname'] . '"';}
But I don't know how to do the same thing for this array, where I don't know how many total variables it contains or even what order the keys would be set in. I tried the following, which does not work:
if (isset($_POST['dayschecked']['Monday'])) {echo ' checked="checked"';}
I apologize if I'm being noobish, but if I can get this done tonight I can go to sleep on time tonight (...not really).
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/276339.html
a few questions
Date: 03/24/05
(HTML Help) Keywords: html
1. can i use tables with generator in S2? i want to have fixed links in the background, i'm just learning tables, so bear with me. if not, how can i make said fixed links?
2. how do i highlight text? you know, as to emphisize text in my journal.
3. and do i disable html codes to show the code? like if i want to show someone how to make a link, and make it so they just cut and paste the fuctioning code?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1865376.html
Date: 03/24/05
(HTML Help) Keywords: html, web, yahoo
I have a question. On LJ, when I want a link to a separate site, I use <_a href_>. I can call it whatever I want, etc. Does anyone know if I can do this or how I can do this in an email, ie, in my signature. I'd like my sig to go to a website that is long and unwieldy, so I want to rename it. I use Mail on macintosh os 10.2.8 and I also use yahoo. I have them set up to recieve html, rather than plain text, if that matters. Thanks in advance. JT
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1866840.html
Reader Counter
Date: 03/26/05
(HTML Help) Keywords: html
Ok, this is probably not an HTML question, and is probably not even possible to do. Is there a way to get a counter or something that tells how many people have READ a certain post, whether or not they make a comment?
Cross posted to my own LJ
Feel free to delete, or tell me to, if this is an inappropriate post.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1872234.html
Date: 03/27/05
(Asp Dot Net) Keywords: html, asp, java, security, web, microsoft
I want to develop the following site over the next few days: http://www.damn-them.com/
The problem that I face is that I have installed a copy of Windows XP Home edition and there is no IIS. Considering that I cannot view (let alone compile) any ASP.Net code the DotNet IDE without IIS, I cannot develop the above site on my current operating system. I wish that I could find an ASP.Net compiler online. As the development of Damn-Them is embryonic, either a VB.Net or C# ASP.Net compiler would suffice. If I do not resolve this problem quickly then I am going to trot to the pub. There is no chance that I will perform any reinstallation.
I found a possible solution (below). However, I do not have those files that it asks for:
General HOWTO for running IIS in Windows XP Home Edition.
by Richard Sandoz - Certified Java Programmer
(1) locate and edit the file C:\WINDOWS\INF\SYSOC.INF
(2) locate a section called [Components]
(3) find a line like this: iis=iis.dll,OcEntry,iis.inf,hide,7
(4) change it to this (the iis cab in the i386 xp home folder looks to be nothing) iis=iis2.dll,OcEntry,iis2.inf,,7
(some sort of ms caching thing keeps sticking back iis.dll when I try to nuke it. quickly renaming and making hidden dir called iis.dll seems to thwart, but not worth it, so iis2.dll is good enough)
(5) I grabbed the iis.dl_ and iis.in_ from win2k advanced server cd.
I would guess similar techniques would work from W98, FP, etc. Use "EXPAND IIS.DL_ IIS2.DLL" from a command prompt Same for IIS2.INF, place IIS2.INF in C:\WINDOWS\INF and IIS2.DLL in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SETUP
(6) Now when I did "add windows programs" from the control panel's add new programs,
I had IIS options and I could even check em off. yippee - could not check em off from my xppro cd :(((
I just went with the defaulted ones though (all i needed was iis web server)
(7) It will prompt you for files. Get em from MS XP Home CDs, Adv Server CDs, C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\INETSRV, C:\WINDOWS\I386, etc. (It will tell you the file it needs, you just need to have a searcher going, probably the CDs will have all you need)
(8) You can get to your IIS from Control Panel's Administrative Programs. I stuck in an index.html file and reconfigure IIS to work like this. No go :((( I right clicked on my inetpub folder and did something with shared folders. No go :((( I looked at the event viewer and saw the error of my ways. Go to IIS and goto Directory Security tab and click Edit button and Browse for the user setup on my laptop.
(9) Yippee, hello world from http://localhost
I won't support this solution unless paid to. I am an out of work developer looking for work.
I bought a Toshiba 5005 laptop which came with XP home. I then bought Win XP Professional. I have bunches of CDs from when I was a MSDN subscriber. From a general search on the internet I found contradictions.
Microsoft says you need professional XP to do IIS period. q310090 was yanked from their site which had the "workaround" for this.
When I tried to setup XP upgrade to pro, my laptop rebooted and hung on an xp logo with an animated graphic. I have verified this to be the case with others as well. Upgrading to xp pro isn't an option for this laptop.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/aspdotnet/29843.html
Date: 03/28/05
(Web Development) Keywords: php, html, spam
Does anyone know how to stop the spam bots from posting on guestbooks? I have a few sites up and I have to monitor all the php guestbooks for bot posts.
And some of the posts I can't even delete. I know HTML and basics but my friend made me the PHP guestbook so I don't know it 100%
Hopefully someone can help me! Thanks.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/183936.html
Date: 03/28/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: css, html
I have been using IE since like it first came out. I just downloaded FireFox and my background image won't load in my home page. I need someone who had knowledge of HTML and FireFox to assist me with this.
Edit: I changed the CSS on all my pages. Took a couple hours... 1 1/2 I guess... but now everything loads perfectly in both IE and Firefox. :) Thanks for your time.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/842450.html
Date: 03/29/05
(HTML Help) Keywords: html, web
Is there a HTML code that allows me to post images from my computer hard drive? If not, then how do I insert an image that's not on the web?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/1877803.html
Pop ups in Internet Explorer
Date: 03/29/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: html, java, web
Hey, I'm new to this community. I do web-design as a hobby and enjoy learning about new codes, but I do not claim nor wish to be a professional. But sometimes school and job require that I make a website.
Anyway, I have a problem. I'm doing a website for a project and it has pop-ups. The pop-ups work fine in Safari and Firefox and all that, but they will not open in Internet Explorer for windows. I haven't tested it on I.E for mac, because it would hurt too much.
The pop up blocker isn't on and I'm getting a vague java error. Java's allowed and all that.
This is my code, without the tag bracket things:
script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" //!-- function win1() { window.open ("http://kemotion.net/arts/galfa_1.html","win1","width=450,height=335,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,titlebar=1,toolbar=0") } -- //!-- function win2() { window.open ("http://kemotion.net/arts/galid_1.html","win2","width=450,height=335,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,titlebar=1,toolbar=0") } -- //!-- function win3() { window.open ("http://kemotion.net/arts/galgd_1.html","win3","width=450,height=335,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,titlebar=1,toolbar=0") } -- /script
This is what I'm using as a link:
Help. I'm useless with java, it's on my list of things to take a class in, but at the moment I'm just trying to use what I can.
Thanks very much.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/843383.html
oh man this is rich!
Date: 03/29/05
(Web Development) Keywords: css, html, web, hosting
So I left my old job a while ago, and since then a slew of people have "left". The bookkeeper (she was cool), the personnel/training/business relations director (another cool lady) and a few other people. That is not cool, but what the heck right? The public website (which should not be hard for you to figure out who I worked for or just ask) was something they had on the drawing board for what sounds like years; I got up an running. Me and my two hands. They had a graphic designer who had the design all ready made but made it work. I also took the intranet server and did something with it. Put documents on-line, created a calender (by hand), and had some nice things (like birthdays and anniversaries) on the main page. We were told by corp that they wanted out of the hosting business and we needed to move the public site to a new host. No problem, I back it up to a CD and hand it to the consultants since they did hosting also (side note, when ever consultants get involved, you are gonna get fired, it might take a while but it will happen). So for shits and grins I go look and see if the public site has had any updates, since when I was there getting content was like pulling teeth, managementwas too busy micro-managing to give content. The thing is that the public site (as of mins ago) had the html (but no images or css) of the intranet site; and corporate is still hosting it (netcraft & netsol confirm it). Thats just rich.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/184433.html
PEAR question
Date: 03/29/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, html, web
I can't seem to use any of the PHP PEAR packages except DB. Everytime I try to include the necessary include file, it tells me it can't find it. It doesn't seem to have any trouble finding DB.php though. I'm really confused.
array("Stig", "Bakken"),
"1" => array("Martin", "Jansen"),
"2" => array("Alexander", "Merz")
$tpl = new HTML_Template_IT("./templates");
$tpl->loadTemplatefile("main.tpl.htm", true, true);
foreach($data as $name) {
foreach($name as $cell) {
// Assign data to the inner block
$tpl->setCurrentBlock("cell") ;
$tpl->setVariable("DATA", $cell) ;
$tpl->parseCurrentBlock("cell") ;
// Assign data and the inner block to the
// outer block
$tpl->setCurrentBlock("row") ;
$tpl->parseCurrentBlock("row") ;
// print the output
Obviously, this was cribbed from the PEAR website example. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I keep getting this error:
Warning: main(HTML/Template/IT.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/fiona/vrp/fitp/template_test.php on line 2
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'HTML/Template/IT.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /home/fiona/vrp/fitp/template_test.php on line 2
Haha, I'm a dork. I didn't realise that "pear rl" listed all the remote packages available, not the ones that are actually installed on the system. Turns out the package I wanted wasn't installed anyway.
Feh. Thanks for your help guys.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/278925.html
Firefox extensions I use - and other info
Date: 03/30/05
(Mozilla) Keywords: browser, css, html, xml, java, web
Since Mozilla Suite is no longer being developed, and Firefox is where everything is going, I decided it was time for me to make the jump. In the process I picked up a number of extensions and thought I'd document them in one place.
AniDisable - control animated gifs Checky - links to validation services for XHTML, XML, CSS, etc. ChromEdit - profile editor ColorZilla - allows you to pick up a color from any element in the browser Disable Targets For Downloads - prevents empty windows/tabs when you click a binary link EditCSS - make realtime tweaks to a pages CSS FoxyTunes - control your media player (iTunes, WinAmp, etc) from the browser chrome Html Validator (based on Tidy) - validate HTML right in the browser, locally I must not fear! - OK, so this just adds the line from Dune to the Tools menu. I like it. ;-) ieview - open the current page in ie, useful for development testing Image Zoom - pretty much what it sounds like JavaScript Debugger - what it says Linkification - makes plaintext URLs links Linky - adds options for handling links Longdesc - let's you view the longdesc attribute on images miniT (drag+indicator) - drag tabs to reorder Preferential - advanced preferences editor Tabbrowser Preferences - provides a UI for editing hidden tab preferences TinyUrl Creator - easily create a TinyURL from the current page User Agent Switcher - lets you mimic other user agents View Cookies - adds a tab to Page Info showing the cookies set by the page Web Developer - adds a toolbar with web development tools
Anyone want to suggest something I should check out that I missed?
I also find this most useful - there are UIs in Firefox that aren't accessible. The chrome is there from the Suite, but the 'simplified' UI of FF has removed the links to the sub-elements: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Dev_:_FireFox_Chrome_URLs
For example: chrome://pippki/content/pref-ssl.xul - which also brings you here: chrome://pippki/content/pref-ciphers.xul - I like to disable weak ciphers.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/267824.html
Ideal e-mail & news clients
Date: 03/31/05
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: templates, software, html, security, virus, spam
I'm really dissatisified with the current state of e-mail and news software, so I've come here to ask for suggestions based on certain requirements.
I only have one general requirements between the two of them (e-mail and nntp software). They should be free (as in beer) or preferably open source. If I must I will pay.
E-mail *Fast, fast, fast - if it's slow on my 2Ghz P4 then something is wrong. *OE (Outlook Express) or The Bat! like interface. I don't want to do 2983492384239482 billion tweaks to make it right. *Should be able to effeciently and "stable-y" (to recover from corruption/crashes and in terms of not redownloading the same messages.) large mail boxes with tens of thousands of messages. *Effecient support for said mailbox via IMAP. *Multiple account support *Good support for contact lists *Should include built in HTML viewer, not rely on something like MSIE's HTML display control. It should also be smart enough to only display basic stuff, with the option to disable displaying of "external" (non-embedded) images. *Relatively easy to use plug-in support. Preferably something procmail like that executes external programs for each program or something even more effecient (like a dynamically loaded library that is persistent in memory). This will be used for external viruses and anti-spam crud. (Note: while built in anti-spam stuff is nice, I'd rather rely on the much better external anti-spam stuff and AFAIK there isn't any e-mail software that can mark messages as spam and auto-send them back to an external anti-spam program). *Built in procmail like stuff is good too. *Support for mail message templates (i.e. different ones for forwarding, replies, etc...) *Should include advanced searching and filtering options like in The Bat!, except less crappy. *Good S/MIME and OpenPGP support that is actually compliant with the standards and can decode messages in place (not just launch an external program to view them). *Ability to sort messages by various factors. *Good mail message import/export ability for backup. Compression is nice, but I can always do that manually. *High configurability in general is good.
News *Fast, fast, fast - if it's slow on my 2Ghz P4 then something is wrong. *Should be able to handle large newsgroups, on the order of tens of thousands of messages well. *A fast OE like interface with a preview pane that can show images. *Same thing as above about HTML viewing. *Good binary/encoding support is ok, but I'm not using it for porn so it's not a big deal. *Ability to sort messages by many different factors
It should be obvious, but security is important in the implementation.
P.S. Spare me what you think the obvious answer is. I won't bash specific clients, but lets just say some are just plain stupid in design and remain popular despite crap for features or crap for a user interface/configuration methodology.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/648358.html