Zombie tool makes use of Windows, antivirus flaws
Date: 11/30/06
(Security) Keywords: software, microsoft
Bot software that turns PCs into zombies spreads via holes in Symantec and Microsoft products.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6139493.html
Yahoo rebuffs Google in digital-book case
Date: 11/30/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: yahoo, microsoft, google
After being sued over copyright by Authors Guild, Google had subpoenaed Yahoo, Amazon and Microsoft to gather evidence.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6139565.html
Most security tools not quite ready for Vista
Date: 11/30/06
(Security) Keywords: security, microsoft
Microsoft has released the Windows update for businesses, but only one of the major security providers has protection available for it.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6139808.html
Can't write to CDs anymore. =/
Date: 12/02/06
(Computer Help) Keywords: virus, spyware, microsoft
Hi. My computer is a Compaq Presario SR1011NX, with Windows XP installed. After not having done so for a while (I know, bad thing for me to do), I decided to back-up my important files (text files like writing, artwork stuff, etc). Ever since I had this computer, the only way that I've backed up files was to use XP's built in deal to copy the files to CD-RWs. And that process has worked just fine and good.
But now, I'm having some serious problems with that.
I collected together said CD-RWs and go to clean the old files off of them... and they won't delete. So I look around a bit, and see that I'll just have to erase the whole CD-RW -- okay! Only, there's no option to do so. The option just isn't appearing. Puzzled, I do some more poking around, some more tests, and now I know what's wrong. Apparently, whatever writing ability my CD drive had is... gone. Doesn't work. Any attempt to delete or even add files onto the CD-RWs is met with this error message:
"Files on this CD-ROM drive are read-only. You cannot copy or move files over to this CD-ROM drive."
Any attempt to take off the read-only status on those files results in:
"An error occurred applying attributes to the file: E:\path\file Access is denied."
I tried a third-party CD-writing program (NTI CD-Maker 2000 Plus) installed on here, and tried to erase the CD-RW or tinker with files on there, the error message was:
"No supported CD-RW drive detected."
So I tried copying files over to both a fresh CD-RW and then a fresh CD-R. Both times, the wizard for copying files wouldn't open, and I instead got this lovely message:
"E:\ is not accessible. Incorrect function."
I then checked to see if things like games would run by popping in The Sims, and that ran fine, so... it just won't copy/write to CDs anymore, or let me mess with the files off of data CDs. It'll read the files and let me access them, but I can't delete or alter them. Any options involving writing to/copying to/deleting for CD-Rs and CD-RWs just don't appear at all anymore.
On the My Computer screen, the drive still reads as "CD-RW Drive (E:)". Oh, and for the type, it's a Sony CD-RW CRX25E5, and the Device Status reads that it's working properly... even though it's not.
Basically, I have no idea what's going on. I never messed with any drivers or such, and my computer is clear of any viruses, spyware, and the like. I've tried contacting both Compaq/HP and Microsoft, but those attempts aren't going well. Hopefully I've provided enough information, and if not, let me know and I'll post more. Thanks ahead of time for any help on this problem! I just want to back up my files, as many of them are too big to fit on floppy disks (and I don't have anything like one of those nifty flash drives).
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/718032.html
New Office file formats could cause headaches
Date: 12/05/06
(Application Development) Keywords: xml, microsoft
Microsoft says Windows Mobile, Office for Mac won't be compatible with XML formats until next year.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9593_22-6141121.html
New Word zero-day used in attacks
Date: 12/06/06
(Security) Keywords: security, microsoft
"Limited attacks" are exploiting a previously unknown security bug in Microsoft Word, Microsoft warns.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6141221.html
Microsoft releasing book search in beta
Date: 12/06/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: microsoft, google
Live Search Books is similar to Google Book Search, though Microsoft is taking an opt-in approach to copyright works.
Images: Search this book!
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6141162.html
No fix yet for zero-day flaw in Word
Date: 12/07/06
(Security) Keywords: microsoft
Microsoft will have patches for Windows and Visual Studio on Tuesday, but apparently not for a Word flaw being used in cyberattacks.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6141796.html
Playing it safe with Windows Vista
Date: 12/11/06
(Security) Keywords: security, web, microsoft
Microsoft wants to sell Web sites and businesses on security checks of customer PCs. That may not go over so well.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6142265.html
Microsoft patches zero-day Windows Media flaw
Date: 12/12/06
(Security) Keywords: security, microsoft
Fix for critical security hole in Windows Media Format was added to Microsoft's Patch Tuesday updates at the last moment.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6143086.html
Fox sites top Yahoo as most-visited on U.S. Web
Date: 12/13/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: web, yahoo, microsoft
Popularity of MySpace helps push Fox's lead over Yahoo among Web users in U.S. Microsoft in third place.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6143288.html
Scoble leaving Microsoft was 8th most-read story at the open source blog
Date: 12/13/06
(Open Source) Keywords: microsoft
I suspect Microsoft likes the good cop-bad cop act, but I wonder for how long that can continue. Seeing whether Microsoft gains a unified open source strategy will be one of the great stories to watch in 2007.
Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/zdnet/open-source/~3/60829396/
Attack code published for third Word flaw
Date: 12/14/06
(Security) Keywords: security, microsoft
Code could be used to crash PCs and ultimately commandeer them, security firms warn. But Microsoft hasn't confirmed the third Word flaw in two weeks.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6143853.html
Microsoft, Baidu form paid-search partnership
Date: 12/14/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: microsoft, google
After Google sells its Baidu shares, company links up with Microsoft to have its listings appear on Microsoft's Chinese sites.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6143776.html
SCO’s last stand
Date: 12/15/06
(Open Source) Keywords: linux, microsoft
The record of the case, and its intense discovery, may dissuade even Microsoft from challenging the legal position of Linux, given the court's demand that any such challenge must state precisely the code to be challenged and the basis of that challenge.
Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/zdnet/open-source/~3/61874810/
Judge stops Brit from selling Hotmail lists
Date: 12/18/06
(Security) Keywords: spam, microsoft
Microsoft wins case after arguing that a U.K. man hurt the goodwill of Hotmail users by selling e-mail addresses to spammers.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6144548.html
MySQL Database Podcast!
Date: 12/19/06
(MySQL Communtiy) Keywords: php, mysql, software, html, sql, java, spam, microsoft
Episode 3 is here!
If folks have ideas or suggestions for content, please let me know.
You can Direct download all the oursql podcasts at:
Direct play this edition at:
Download MySQL Turbo Manager Free Edition at: http://www.mentattech.com/themes/mentat/download.html
Wireless providers prefer MySQL over Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server over both:
Learning Resource
Artful Software's list of common queries. They also have an interesting e-book available, called "Get it Done with MySQL 5.0".
This week’s promotion comes from Geek Fu at http://www.geekfuactiongrip.com
Concurrency and Isolation Levels
http://www.smallfishadventures.com/Home.html "The Thank you song" -- Smallfish
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Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/108124.html
Ballmer’s Macaca moment
Date: 12/22/06
(Open Source) Keywords: microsoft
A deal Novell signed as a lifeline is becoming an anchor and Microsoft, which tried to get some street cred by dealing with Novell, is now about as popular in the open source community as the guys at SCO. All because of a few ill-chosen remarks.
Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/zdnet/open-source/~3/64902080/
How good a friend to open source is Google?
Date: 12/27/06
(Open Source) Keywords: microsoft, google
As you may have guessed by now, I like Google. But opinions on Google are not unanimous, and as Google continues to grow (its market cap is now one-half that of Microsoft, nearly equal to that of IBM) its moves will be viewed with increased suspicion.
Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/zdnet/open-source/~3/67202760/
Web Calendar Software...does this exist?
Date: 01/02/07
(WebDesign) Keywords: php, software, web, microsoft
Hi, I'm looking for some commercial software, more specifically, a calendar that can be hosted on a webserver, accessed and edited by multiple users, give the admin different control levels, and have a ton of room for customization. I'm doing web development for a non profit organization.
Here is the problem, everything that I've provided and shown my boss is either 1. not *pretty* or professional looking enough or 2. not what he needs (canned software that can't be customized enough to fit his organization's needs.
I've tried to tell him that other than having a small company develop the program entirely from scratch, there is not really anything else we can really do.
The closest thing I've come to his approval is the calendar available at http://www.mhsoftware.com, but he doesn't like the day view mode of the calendar.
I've told him instead of shelling out all kinds of cash for software to be developed specifically for him we instead could use certain elements of the calendar and the rest could be php scripts containing forms, tables, etc. Well he still has me looking so what I want to know is, has anyone seen a commercially available calendar application that can be hosted on the web and have a ton of room for customization?
Cost doesn't seem to be an issue either.
The example he gave me of what he wishes it to be like is his calender on...AOL. :(
The biggest problem is this is an exact copy of the email I get from this organizations office when I presented them with a letter similar to this.
That was the email I got...wow. I'll call MS right up and have them get to work on the application...It's becoming a real problem trying to get them to understand anything.
Thanks for any help x-posted to a few other places.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1199431.html